Our Activities

Chemical Merchants is uniquely positioned to serve the growing needs of the Zimbabwean market. Our core activities are import, distribution, promotion, marketing and license manufacturing through integrity and professionalism, while enjoying an esteemed reputation in the country.

Raw Materials Procurement

We depend on imports for a large portion of the raw materials we use in our products. We purchase from China, South Africa ,India ,Botswana and the Ukraine. Each ingredient and production location is carefully selected, reflecting our stance that top-quality products can only be made using top quality ingredients. Our raw material sourcing is central in Harare though we depend much for logistics from our South African office . Goods from Europe and India are shipped via the Durban port then inspected tested and stored at our warehouse in South Africa awaiting transportation by road to Harare . Raw materials from China and India arrive through the Beira port in Mozambique.


The Company's fundamental policy is to set up production facilities close to where its products are consumed. Reflecting this policy, with this in mind, we are seeking the creation of new joint ventures around the country and region as part of our strategy to make our products affordable. 


Diverse Research & Development Initiatives.

To fortify our product development and basic research capabilities, we intend to set up a Chemical Merchants Research Laboratory in South Africa, which will house a boiler water development Centre and fine chemicals. In these ways, we are working to quickly and accurately pinpoint market needs and develop new products, we have built an organisation that allows us to swiftly develop new products and improve existing ones KIRKUK BRANCH Meeting International Standards Paralleling to the plans for global expansion of Chemical Merchants business is a need to meet international product quality and environmental standards.We are an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2018 certified company . Since we manufacture and sell our products internationally, it is essential that we develop, manufacture and distribute products that fully meet global standards for quality, so our customers' world-wide can use our products with peace of mind. To enhance awareness among customers of our product quality, we have acquired certification under an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2018 an international standards for product Quality and Enviromental management sysems . We are implementing new standards throughout our facilities. This has had a positive effect on our efforts to standardize other internal procedures, we earned official certification for the use of our products in food establishments. New laws were enacted in most countries of the world as part of the nations' environmental protection initiatives. We intend to develop our business while strictly adhering to domestic and international standards for products quality and environmental protection. To ensure our ability to supply our customers with quality, reliable, price-competitive products, we are organising our production, distribution and marketing systems in Southern Africa and beyond. Marketing and Distribution Due to growth of economy, industry, new building construction etc in Southern Africa in recent years, market demand for industrial water treatment chemicals have increased. Responding to this situation, we restructured and strengthened our national and internal operations to enhance our marketing and distribution capabilities to meet expanding commercial, residential and industrial demands. This has allowed us to develop more carefully targeted products and respond more accurately to the demands of our distributors and customers, we conduct ongoing market research to determine market needs. We then realise the collected data and use it to speed up product development and marketing activities. In Zimbabwe we have our head office in Waterfalls, Harare then another branch in Kwekwe .The Waterfalls, Harare branch is meant to serve mainly Northern and Eastern parts of Zimbabwe that include and are not limited to Harare, Chitungwiza, Marondera, Mutare, Chinhoyi, Karoi and Kadoma. From Kwekwe our products are distributed to Masvingo, Bulawayo, Chiredzi, Hwange up to Chipinge making our products as readily available as and when they are needed.

Detergents and Cleaning Chemicals

Chemical Merchants offers a full range of cleaning materials and chemicals , these include but are not limited to the following:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide (50%)
  • Caustic Soda Liquid 30 – 50% 
  • Sodium Meta Bi
  • Sulphate 35%
  • Nitric Acid 65%
  • Hydrochloric Acid 37%
  • Sulphuric Acid 50%
  • Tin Chloride 
  • Caustic Soda Flakes 
  • Scud Washing detergent
  •  Soda ash 
  • Tank Cleaning Detergent 
  • Stainless Steel Cleaner 
  • Multipurpose Cleaner 
  • Crate Washing Detergent
  • Vehicle Body Wash 
  • Effluent Treatment Chemicals 
  • Conveyer Lubricants 
  • Lubodrive EC
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Service Guarantee

We guarantee that our service and products will always meet and or exceed customer expectations.  

banking details 

  • Bank Name

    Standard Chartered Bank

  • Branch Name

    Africa Unity Square, Harare

  • Account Number 


    Payment Terms

    • Cash on delivery
    • Fourteen day account for approved customers
    • Thirty day account for approved customers